My journey began by working within integrative care teams, helping patients in London hospitals and hospices for 4 years. I provided wellbeing support and natural pain relief to individuals dealing with pain, disease, invasive treatments and surgeries. Additionally, my services extended to mental and wellbeing support for end-of-life transition patients and their families, and helping medical staff to relieve and manage stress and burnout symptoms.


First Harmony provides confidential online and in-person sessions and customised courses. First Harmony's sessions for games and life are highly effective, especially beneficial for teams during tournaments and important matches.


Sessions and courses include science-led presentations and seminars, we delve into the intricate connection between emotional states and their impact on our mental, energetic and biological systems. Subsequent sessions unfold a mindful approach, incorporating personalized guided relaxation, visualization, and breath-work techniques.This systematic process, combined with educational components, fosters enhanced energy flow, faster recovery, and an immediate, noticeable optimization of both mind and body. I specialize in pain and injury healing, helping athletes to return to play in a shorter space of time. My objective and passion is to swiftly empower individuals, athletes and teams, through bringing an awareness to their human potential and providing effective tools for self development and managing overall health and well-being.


I find immense joy in guiding people through these transformative journeys, helping them unlock their human potential while understanding the scientific nature of energy. I have the privilege of working in collaboration with world-renowned scientists and physicists at https://noetic.org/ who explore and study human potential, the connection between scientific knowledge, inner awareness, and energy systems.


First Harmony methods are tailored to:

  • Immediately release tension, stress, and anxiety
  • Enhance focus, mental performance & confidence
  • Accelerate injury recovery and alleviate physical discomfort
  • Create and utilize flow states
  • Cultivate a winning mindset
  • Resolve emotional trauma and past blocks
  • Improve productivity, unity, and mental performance for workforces, organisations and teams
  • Foster better relationships with others and oneself
  • Provide support for life and career advancement


Whether you're seeking personal growth, enhanced performance, stress relief, or resolution of physical and emotional blocks, First Harmony sessions and courses are available for groups, teams, and individuals through convenient Zoom sessions or in-person.